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We encourage all students to attend tutorials.  This time can be

used for review, answering questions or making up tests, quizzes and labs.  A science teacher will be available for student assistance everyday before school. All seventh grade science students will study the same material at the same time.  Therefore, please encourage your student to ask questions or receive help from Mrs. Knight or Mrs. Payne if I am not available during tutorials. My tutorials schedule is posted below and will also be posted to my website.  All tutorials go from 8:30 – 9:00am


Mondays: Mrs. Knight - Room C.110

Tuesdays: Mrs. Payne - Room C.112

Wednesdays: Mrs. Knight - Room C.110

Thursdays: Mrs. Payne - Room C.112

Fridays: Mrs. Knight (A) / Mrs. Payne (B)

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